Terms and Conditions
Auckland Executive Club is a New Zealand organisation and all transactions will be billed in New Zealand dollars. All prices shown are in New Zealand Dollars and inclusive of GST (Goods and Services Tax) of 15% . We reserve the right to alter prices on the site without notice.
We accept Visa and MasterCard as well as direct deposits to our bank account. We use eWAY for the processing of payments via credit card.
An automatic email confirmation of the purchase will be sent to the customer's registered email address. Auckland Executive Club Inc reserves the right to cancel the purchase if any of the information appears to be incorrect, misleading or cannot be verified.
Payment of Joining Fees, Membership Subscriptions and Website Directory Fee
Once your membership has been approved, joining fees, membership subscriptions and optional Website Directory fees are payable. These are non-refundable. Should you resign your membership part way through the year, no refund is available for the unused portion of the membership year.
Dinner Events
The cost of the evening covers your meal cost only.
As this is a set menu function, we are unable to cater to individual preferences other than vegetarian, food allergies or religious requirements.
Please advise when you register your attendance.
Cancellation of Dinner Bookings
Cancellations must be received by the Thursday before the dinner in order to qualify for a refund. If you have booked a seat and then need to cancel, please contact Liz Moore at admin@aucklandexecutiveclub.org.nz.
Limitation of Liability
Our liability for any claim, damages, loss, or expense related to the supply by us of goods or services is limited to the cost paid by you for the goods or services.
Law and Jurisdiction
This website and any contract for your purchase from The Auckland Executive Club Inc. is governed by and has to be interpreted under the Law of New Zealand, and will be subject to the jurisdiction of the New Zealand courts and only New Zealand law and no other laws from any other countries apply.