All about The Auckland Executive Club Inc.

The Auckland Executive Club membership is designed for women in senior management, professional fields, business ownership, and those with specialist skills. We emphasise encouragement, sharing good news, featuring positive and dynamic speakers, and wholeheartedly supporting all members who are making an impact in the business community. Extending friendship and support is what we are all about.

Objectives :

  • To provide a forum for women, which will allow for personal and professional growth.
  • To encourage networking and business promotion.
  • To enjoy motivational and topical speakers.
  • To provide support to our chosen charities.

Background :

The Auckland Executive Club was formed by a group of businesswomen who felt that there was a lack of facilities for women in business, apart from service organisations. The Club was formalised in 1987 and has a constant membership of about 80. We welcome new faces at every meeting and look forward to welcoming many more.

We restrict membership within business sectors to ensure a balance. If you would like to join, we would be delighted to talk to you.

Meetings :

These meetings, typically held on the third Tuesday of each month, are informal and take place over dinner. Most evenings feature speakers, and the events begin at 6 PM (details are always provided in the monthly e-zine/newsletter). If you are considering joining AEC, we recommend attending as a guest for at least one meeting before applying for membership to ensure the club is a good fit for you and your business. If you enjoy attending as a guest, sign up to become a member and enjoy all the benefits that membership brings.

The structured part of the evening is usually over by 9pm - 9.30pm, although anyone wishing to stay on and get to know more people will always have company.

Bring along an ample supply of business cards - you will have opportunities to use them.

“I really enjoyed it. I found everyone very open and I liked how it was organised to encourage the conversation. I attend a lot of networking events so this stuck out to me as a way of ensuring it's inclusive and a welcoming space.”

Fees :

Annual Subscription: $325.00 including GST

AEC is pleased to be selling Entertainment Membership to help raise funds for Quality of Life Trust.

Vanessa Ivory

Meet our Team

Viv Beck, CEO of Heart of City Auckland, was the speaker at our February 2022 dinner. Such a great evening. Hear what she has to say about our Club.

"It was fascinating to hear from Kate Billing about how her background and family life impacted on her wonderful professional achievements."

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